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Method for selectively transferring data instructi

时间:2020-07-01 来源:世旅网

专利名称:Method for selectively transferring data

instructions to a cache memory

发明人:J. Herschel Shermis申请号:US07/618698申请日:19901127公开号:US05226138A公开日:19930706

摘要:A cache controller is coupled between a central processing unit (CPU) and amemory management unit (MMU). The MMU is coupled to main memory, and the cachecontroller is further coupled to a cache memory. A cache controller transfers a block ofN programming instructions from the main memory into the cache memory. Once thistransfer is complete, the CPU begins the sequential execution of the N instructions.Generally concurrently, the cache controller scans each of the N instructions to detectbranch instructions. Branch instructions are those instructions which require additionaldata not found within the block of N instructions previously loaded into the cache. Upondetection a branch instruction, and prior to the execution of the branch instruction by theCPU, the cache controller fetches the branch instruction data from main memory, andstores it within the cache.


代理机构:Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman


